A sweet traditional dish from the Franconia Wine country

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When we were little, my mother often cooked this sweet dish for us. Fridays were my favorite days, and because of my parents catholic faith, most of the time we had an non-meat dish like Kartäuser Klösse, or sometimes fried Cod fish with potatoes and vegetables.

The name Kartäuser or Carthusian derived from the Order of Carthusians (Latin: Ordo Cartusiensis), which are a Latin enclosed religious order of the Catholic Church. 

Before my mother prepared the Kartäuser Klösse my day usually started with a cloth bag and a few D-Marks in my hand, walking to the local bakery to buy German Brötchen (rolls) from the day before.

German rolls

In my hometown Würzburg the rolls are called Weck, unless they are elongated rolls with pointed ends, then we speak of “Stölleli”, which in turn are available with and without caraway, but it’s is best to use the “Milchweck” (milk roll).

Below Volkach Wine festival with a Vintner Family

A word about the Weinsosse. This must be one of the only times a kid can consume alcohol in Germany. The Weinsosse (wine sauce) is made with eggs and dry white wine. Sometime beaten egg white is stirred into the cooled egg mass.

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