Wieskirche, South Bavaria

Wieskirche, a popular pilgrim church in Bavaria

A couple years ago I was driving towards Füssen through the Bavarian countryside. I saw the sign “Wieskirche” and instantly remembered visiting this church with my parents as a child. The Wieskirche in Upper Bavaria is a jewel of the South German Rococo. The building, created by the Zimmermann brothers, has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1983. In this volume, the church and … Continue reading Wieskirche, a popular pilgrim church in Bavaria

Neuschwanstein, Allgäu

Füssen, a town with the most enchanting castles

After four exciting days in Munich, I drove about 90 minutes southwest towards Füssen with a short stop in Murnau (Staffelsee). It has been about 25 years and I was anxious to visit Füssen, which is nestled near a cluster of majestic Bavarian mountains and a view to several castles where King Ludwig II had lived. Continue reading Füssen, a town with the most enchanting castles

Mainpost Article that wine bottle 1905 was found

An empty Bocksbeutel wine bottle from 1905 was found in NY City

An exciting day for the people of Würzburg. The Bocksbeutel wine bottle that was found in NY City carried the Coat of Arms of the Bürgerspital in Würzburg Some well known Vintners of Würzburg researched the archives and found something interesting. An old price list from 1910 had with all probability the wine listed that was found from the year 1904. A “Würzburger Stein” from … Continue reading An empty Bocksbeutel wine bottle from 1905 was found in NY City