Chicken Marsala on plate

Chicken Marsala, an Italian-American dish

Today I was pondering what to cook with my leftover chicken I bought the day before at Costco. I have eating Chicken Marsala at several Italian restaurants in America, and it’s one of my favorites. I was curious, why I have never seen this dish on an Italian menu while there Marsala Cooking Wine can be bought HERE on Amazon While doing my research about … Continue reading Chicken Marsala, an Italian-American dish

Gravy for Sauerbraten

Make a smooth Gravy from scratch with Einbrenne or Roux

I remember my mother making her smooth gravy, she’d always put so much time, love and devotion into her delicious meals. This method and basic recipe below is called in German “Einbrenne” or in French “Roux”
This recipe of making Gravy is very old. You’d use your pan drippings (or butter) from your roast to thicken gravy while adding an intense flavor and nice texture.

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German Semmelknoedel, bread dumplings with chanterelle sauce

Pfifferlinge (Chanterelle), a very popular edible mushroom since ancient times

Like most mushrooms, it also has a doppelganger, the false chanterelle, which looks very similar to it. However, the real chanterelle is much more yellowish than its more orange counterpart. Buy dried Chanterelle Mushrooms here on Amazon The chanterelle prefers to grow near deciduous trees such as beeches, oaks or pines. This mushroom loves mossy ground and prefers to be covered by a little layer … Continue reading Pfifferlinge (Chanterelle), a very popular edible mushroom since ancient times

Schaschlik, Kebab

Schaschlik Kebab with a Curry Tomato sauce

This Shisch Kebab or Schaschlik (Shashlik) recipe brings back memories of Family get-togethers in my childhood. It is also remembered as 80’s party food, These Kebabs were an easy dish we had prepared on skewers, sometimes a day before, and then cooked on low in a curry-tomato sauce We ate this meal often at small gatherings. I especially remember this Kebab devoured at a Grill … Continue reading Schaschlik Kebab with a Curry Tomato sauce

Italian Basil Pesto

Italian Basil Pesto – a tasty sauce for your Pasta

When I have Basil in abundance in the summer, I prepare one of my favorite dishes, which is Cheese Tortellini with a fresh Pesto sauce. It taste best with pasta, but is also delicious with crackers or baked potato It is known that the traditional Pesto comes from Liguria, Italy, and was apparently first documented in mid 1860’s as follows: “You take a clove of … Continue reading Italian Basil Pesto – a tasty sauce for your Pasta