Stolpersteine or Tripping Stones, a Holocaust remembrance

About 80 years ago the ‘Night of the broken Glas’ or Kristallnacht (Reichsprogromnacht in German) occurred all over Germany

Stolperstein In Germany, holocaust Memorial

Guest Author: Brigitte Müller


It was November, 10, 1938, it was night in Germany, thousands upon thousands of Jews were subject to terror and violence by the Nazis. Over 1,000 Jewish synagogues and over 7,500 Jewish businesses were destroyed. About 30,000 Jewish people were arrested and taken to Nazi concentration camps.

Below Stolpersteine in front of homes that were once owned by Jewish people. They were deported and lost their homes in the process. Milton Mayer deported to Buchenwald, was fleeing to the US in 1939. so did wife Hedwig Mayer

Stolpersteine, Stepping stones, a Jewish and Holocaust remembrance

Conditions for German Jews grew increasingly worse after Kristallnacht. During World War II (1939-45), Hitler and the Nazis implemented their so-called “Final Solution” to the what they referred to as the “Jewish problem,”. The Nazis carried out the systematic murder of some 6 million European Jews in what came to be known as the Holocaust.

I recently found out about the project ‘Stolpersteine’ – tripping stones who have been placed in front of buildings all over Europe (70.000 since 1992) in memory of Jews who had lived in these homes and were deported or fled.

The village I live in (Seeheim, Hessen) has already installed a couple. I attended a remembrance walk through town where a historian told us the stories of these Jewish people’s former homes.

They even created an App, so tourists are able to find them all over Europe. And so important – more than ever. Never again 😞

Watch here: The Holocaust & Germany, Project Stolpersteine

Stolpersteine, Stepping stones, poster, a Jewish and Holocaust memorial
Stolpersteine, or Tripping stones presentation, a Jewish and Holocaust remembrance
Auguste Frank Stolperstein, tripping stones, a Jewish and Holocaust remembrance
Here lived Auguste Frank. She escaped to Switzerland in 1935
Nathan Mayer Stolperstein, Stepping stones presentation, a Jewish and Holocaust remembrance
Here used to live Nathan Mayer, deported 1942 to Auschwitz and murdered there in 1943
Gathering of presentation Stolpersteine, Stepping stones presentation, a Jewish and Holocaust remembrance
Town people congregate to the “Stolperstein” presentation
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