German Semmelknoedel, bread dumplings with chanterelle sauce

Pfifferlinge (Chanterelle), a very popular edible mushroom since ancient times

Like most mushrooms, it also has a doppelganger, the false chanterelle, which looks very similar to it. However, the real chanterelle is much more yellowish than its more orange counterpart. Buy dried Chanterelle Mushrooms here on Amazon The chanterelle prefers to grow near deciduous trees such as beeches, oaks or pines. This mushroom loves mossy ground and prefers to be covered by a little layer … Continue reading Pfifferlinge (Chanterelle), a very popular edible mushroom since ancient times

Pretzel dumpling, Knoedel with mushroom and sauce

Semmelknödel prepared with Pretzels

The Knödel had a distinctive taste, and I tried to recreate it at home. It’s similar to the Semmelknödel, just a bit darker and more hearty The “Bayerischer Bahnhof” where the Restaurant is located and I had my first Pretzel dumplings is an old train station in Leipzig. It has a 170 year old history, where the first track was built between Leipzig and Altenburg … Continue reading Semmelknödel prepared with Pretzels

Serviettenknoede, bread dumplings

Semmelknödel for the Fearful and the Brave

Have you ever been afraid of bread dumplings falling apart in the water, because of some experience of the past? There are two foolproof options for beginners. For one recipe I use a 9″x 5″ loaf pan and bake it in the oven, the other is “Serviettenknödel” that you roll into a clean cotton cloth or plastic foil. then boil. Continue reading Semmelknödel for the Fearful and the Brave