Bierschinken German Deli meat

Bierschinken made with the “Schinkenfee”

Every few weeks I have a craving for a good quality Wurst that I can eat with my home baked Bauernbrot (German crusty bread). Living in the American South it’s not easy to find a good variety of Deli meats. I like to make my own so I know the quality and what’s inside. I found the Ham-maker “Schinkenfee” on Amazon which made Wurst processing easy. Continue reading Bierschinken made with the “Schinkenfee”

Weisswurst with Pretzel and mustard

How the Weisswurst was born (Recipe)

When in Munich, I sometimes meet with relatives who live close by. We walk this beautiful city, perhaps take the double decker tour bus for sightseeing. At the end we make our way over to the Viktualienmarkt to have the famous Weisswurst The Viktualienmarkt is a Biergarten in the middle of Munich. There you can buy the famous Weisswurst. It is the custom that you … Continue reading How the Weisswurst was born (Recipe)

German Wurstsalat

German Wurstsalat

Many Germans grow up with this Wurstsalat recipe. In my area (Franconia), we make it with Mayonnaise and call it Fleischsalat. I tried this dish first when I visited Stuttgart (Schwabenland). It became my favorite Abendbrot or evening supper. Can be served with German Bread, Rolls or a Pretzel. Use boiled eggs, radishes or tomatoes for garnish and sprinkle with chives Taste great with my … Continue reading German Wurstsalat

Kesselfleisch, Schlachtplatte

Kesselfleisch and Hausmacher

My mother grew up on a farm and married my father, who was a teacher. She brought some of her customs and traditions back into our family. Every Autumn we ordered a half pig from the butcher and had a “Schlachtfest’ at our house. This feast, when the family and neighbors gathered at our house was the highlight of the year If you are unfamiliar, … Continue reading Kesselfleisch and Hausmacher

Homemade Liverwurst in a glass jar, Hausmacher Leberwurst

Pfälzer Leberwurst or Liverwurst

Whenever I have a craving for Liverwurst I make my own. After filling the jar, put a slice of bacon on top to keep the air out. Close the lid and boil the jar one to two hours. Leberwurst always taste better the next day. The jars with liverwurst will keep about 4 to 6 month in the refrigerator. I prefer Leberwurst in the jar, … Continue reading Pfälzer Leberwurst or Liverwurst